Upper Mersey

Walk: Junction Lake

Moses Creek Track - Chapter Lake - Grade: MM Days: 3-5 Distance: 10 Hours : 6

Cloister Lagoon - Junction Lake

Maps Cathedral Du Cane

Access Mersey Road at lake Rowallan

Commences at end of road (aprox 1.8 k after Lees Paddocks Track) and crosses Jackson Creek (the log crossing rotted and was replaced by solid bridge) before climbing to a burnt area that is still very scarred then enters old forest of large myrtles. A few markers are present but in general it is not hard to follow track and some work has been done with steps and a reroute carried out before arriving at a grassy area that would be a tarn after heavy rain out. Final climb comes out at Chapter Lake.

Quite pleasant and sheltered camping under myrtles near Grail Falls.

From Chapter Lake a couple of pads head up the valley to Cloister (take left side). In parts the pad can be indistinct for a while but once in the open in the middle of the valley it is straight forward. Initial section from Chapter is over-cairned and over marked (Nov 02) Some tent sites on high ground before Cloister and beside a creek, plus room for 2 tents on good quite dry site at gum tree knoll just near very west end of Cloister Lagoon.

Cloister Lake to Junction Lake is padded until reaching the grassy flats where it is just a light pad that follows close to a small creek for much of the way. Good camping at Junction Lake


to Chapter Lake 2:30

Bridge & Jackson Track junction 0:20

Jackson Creek 0:25

Open grassy area 1:00

Chapter Lake 0:30 = 2:15

Cloister Lagoon west 1:05

Cloister Lagoon east 1:00

Junction Lake 0:55 = 3:00

Walk: Cathedral Mt

Chapter Lake ; Chalice Lake Grade: MM Days: 3-5

Maps Tuesday, 12 December 06

From Chapter Lake there are two routes up beside Grail Falls. One on left and the other on the right after crossing the creek below the falls. The left hand side is by far the easier and does not require crossing the creek. A track takes you to Challice but after that it is basically untracked but not hard to follow the way to the top

To: Tim Way Total Elapsed Km

Grail Falls Challice Lake 1:00

Challice Lake Bishop or cathedral 1:30

Walk: Never Never

Junction Lake - Fergusson Falls (north Grade: MM Days: 4-5

Maps Last Thursday, 22 March 2001

Crossing The Never Never between Junction Lake and Fergusson Falls natural bridge. This route remains in forest on north bank of Mersey and is very pleasant country.

Initially there is confusion of pads leading west from the end of Junction Lake, with some going to Clarke Falls.

Eventually the pad drops to beside the Mersey and is not too bad to follow with considerable open areas.

Once forest is reached it is best to keep reasonably close to the river bank. Below McCoy Falls a pad runs on the river bank for most of the distance to Hartnett Falls and is very pleasant walking.

Many possible campsites exist between Junction and Fergusson with a couple of dry open slightly grassy spots about a two third of the way (past a bend) down from McCoy to Hartnett. The best is at 0428214


Junction Lake to McCoy Falls 2:10

River bank open area 04 28214 53 58698 0:30

Hartnet Falls 0:20

Ferguson Falls 0:30

Natural bridge 0:05
