Mannys Marsh
Location Mt.Field Alpine Region
Bushwalk through wet forest to a open plain surrounded by drier forest on northern side of Mount Field
The road up (Holmes Road) has several turns and could be a bit tricky to get right if new to the area. The last few hundred metres is somewhat boggy, but there are a few spots with room to park prior to this.
Initially the route follows logging tracks through recovering wet forest before dropping just a small dip to cross Ironstone Creek then ascends a marked pad with some bushes cut. Once on the dry upper ground the route turns right to follow slopes along the line of one of the outlet creeks; Ironstone again.
Map Ellendale
Last Updated Sunday, 7 April 2013
Start Point Holmes Road at Ellendale
Introduction Navigation and access are not the easiest, although tape does mark most of the route
Hazards Navigation
Route Conditions Wet forest and track can be wet at times
Facilities None
Route Grade Short but medium difficulty
Route Distance Klms 5
Access Holmes Road
Time Hours 4
Height Gain metres 50
Gradient 1:8
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