Mount Charles

Monday, 27 January 2014 8:21:55 PM

Location      Western Wellington

Route Summary      It is 10.25k from Myrtle Forest with a significant part on fire trail (approx. 1:45) The route up Charles requires a bit of winding then an ascent up a steep rocky slope, but numerous ledges exist.

Walk Description      

It is 10.25k from Myrtle Forest with a significant part on fire trail (approx. 1:45) The route up Charles requires a bit of winding then an ascent up a steep rocky slope, but numerous ledges exist.

After climbing the walking track from Myrtle Forest the Collins Cap Fire Trail is followed to the junction with the East West Fire Trail and after walking along this a distinct left hand bend is met with an offshoot track leading to a waterhole. Beyond the waterhole the once vehicle track becomes narrower and is gradually getting quite a bit of vegetation growth close to it nowadays. This is only a short section and the East West is re-joined for the fairly level walk past Trestle Mountain. Continue on this, past Ringwood Trail and then it climbs and descends a bit until Mount Charles eventually comes into view. Mount Charles looms into view with Greg and AdrianOn the East West Fire Trail there is a very obvious bend and on the Charles side there is a short open area with very low bushes and it is from this point that the way up the peak is best approached. This area seems to have been widened from previous, possibly since the side clearing done during the 2013 fire in the park. It is a fairly easy matter to weave through the Eucalypts and other bushes, which soon become taller to the base of a rocky area and soon a rock face is reached. It is matter of picking the best way up the several ascent lines. However if the cairns and a few tapes are still visible a rough pad can be followed that seems to provide the easiest route. Once up above the rocks face the easiest way to the top is via gully between the two summits. Again some markings and a pad can be followed if it can be located.

Map      Collinsvale

Last Updated  Monday, 27 January 2014

Start Point      Myrtle Forest

Introduction      Moderate grade

Hazards      Cliffs and navigation

Route Conditions      Rough and at time indistinct pad from fire trail to summit

Facilities       Toilet and picnic shelter at start of walk

Route Grade      MR

Route Distance Klms       20.5

Days      1

Access       Myrtle Forest

Time Hours       8

Related Links      

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