White Timber Mountain via Judbury
Location Western Wellington
Route Judbury - Judds Creek - White Timber Mountain
Route Summary
From Judbury in the Huon Valley take Judds Creek Road and follow this up for about 12 kilometres. The road deteriorates after the last dwelling is past but is not too much trouble if you take it easy. Eventually a junction is met with a forestry road and the right hand one is take, It is a much better quality road from this point inwards, although caution is still very much required. At or near this junction is a sign marking the start of the Billy Browns Falls track.
As you continue up the road a quarry is passed and shortly a junction with the White timber road is met. Turn right (East) for 1.7 k to the start of the walking track
White Timber Mountain is a reasonable peak to visit and provides good views from the north eastern end over the forest below and into the Lachlan valley. Parts of the Wellington Range are clearly visible; Charles Marian and Collins Bonnet etc.
The route up at the moment is roughish and only a pad. It takes about 30 minutes each way to the summit.
See Crabtree - White Timber for more details of the track
Last Updated Friday, 19 October 2012
Route Grade Short but moderate
Route Distance Klms 1.5
Days 1
Access Judd Creek Road and White Timber trail
Time Hours 1.