Mount Lloyd

Location      Western Wellington Russell Ridge Conservation Area
Walk Description      

There is a vehicle track of sorts used for accessing the tower on the top, but the start is a little obscure and must be reached from private property.   We came from Mount Lloyd Road at a junction with a eucalypt plantation track and went through the bush via gully south of the cliffs.
Along the ridge top there are a lot of rock slabs, covered in moss, that make travel reasonably pleasant.  Short sections of bush divide them up but this is easy to negotiate.  The gully is fairly own country interspersed with thicker understory, which can be walked around.
Mount Lloyd

Ferns in gully

Access gully
Map     Snowy 1:50
Last Updated   Thursday, 4 July 2019
Start Point      Mount Lloyd Road

Hazards      Cliffs
Route Conditions      Rough
 Route Grade      R
Route Distance Klms      4.5
Access       Mount Lloyd Road
Time Hours       4-5

Related Links      
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